Bro News Archive
March 24, 2010Latest Bro News
March 25, 2010Welcome to Bro News
The Inaugural Blue & Gold Rugby Luncheon:
I’m pleased to announce that Rod Kafer will be the guest speaker at our inaugural Rugby Lunch on Friday 7th of May. The lunch will be held at Roseville Golf Club, tickets are $120 which includes canapés, a 2 course meal and all drinks.
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We have an array of items to be auctioned, including signed Wallabies, Waratahs, Force and Brumbies jerseys, Golf packages and plenty of prizes to be won in our raffle, including a $350 dinner voucher at Aria restaurant, lawn mowers, Flat Screen TV (38cm), Wine, supporters packages and much more! Date: Friday 7th May 2010 Time: 12pm for 12.30pm Start Venue: Roseville Golf Club, 4 Links Avenue, Roseville Cost: $120 per head, which includes canapés, a 2 course meal & all drinks RSVP & Payment by: Friday 30th April 2010 (Advanced payments only, no door sales) Guest Speaker: Mr. Rod Kafer (Former Wallaby and Fox Sports, “The Rugby Club” Presenter) |
Please see HERE for all information including booking and payment details. Please let all your family, friends, colleagues and clients know, as this will be an event to remember.
We are still looking for prize donations, so if you can help out please contact:
Marie Johnson 0407 182 838
David Bullard 0414 26 26 38
Moving To Killara
The Council has made the decision to move us to the new ground at Killara Oval (Bert Oldfield Oval) early and in time for the beginning of the season. Members of the committee have inspected the new grounds and are very please with the set up, pitch and club house and we think we will be very happy in our temporary home.
As such the first home game of the season on the 17th April will be at Killara Oval (Bert Oldfield Oval) and NOT Roseville Chase. Please make sure you get this right as if you turn up to the old pitch you will be ridiculed for years to come.
The address is:
Killara Oval (Bert Oldfield Oval)
Corner of Rosebery and Koola Ave, Killara
Maps can be found HERE
Members of the Brothers Rugby Committee have been working really hard to have the website looking swish. Here is where you will find all the new, information, contacts, fixtures and of course your very own Bro News.
Check it out and save it as a favourite
The Draw
Round 1 – 10th April Away at UWSH
Round 2 – 17th April Home v Blue Mountains
Round 3 – 24th April Away at Balmain
Keep an eye on the fixture list HERE
Brothers Rugby Club Sydney would like to welcome our new sponsors Power Partners Solar and thank them for their generous support.
Brothers Rugby Club sponsor Rebel Sport is having a 20% off day for fully payed up
members/supporters of Brothers. Just use your MVP card at the Chatswood Westfield Rebel sport on the 25th march 9am – 9pm.
The President’s State of Our Union
As you are probably aware, the 2010 season is rapidly approaching us. If you’re not aware, you need to get yourself along to training and be part of the resurgence of Brothers Rugby in 2010.
We’ve had some good player numbers to the recent trials we hosted at Wakehurst, and same at the trial the foloowing weekend at UWS Richmond. This weekend we are planning to hold an internal trial at Roseville Chase. This will be the last chance for those of you that haven’t had a hit-out this season to get in some game time, and some much needed match fitness. The trial will start at 2PM sharp, lower grades first. We’ll put on a sausage sizzle, and our major sponsor, the Orchard Tavern is putting a a keg of loving liquid refreshment for your pleasure (after you’ve played only plkease!). For those that haven’t yet played in a trial, make sure you turn up on Saturday so so you have at least one hit-out before the season (yes, that means you member of the Fiesty Fourths). We’ll be heading off to the Orchard at the end of play to watch the Super 14, so feel free to come an join us.
Roseville Chase
If you read the last President’s Announcement, you will be aware that we’re loosing the use of Roseville Chase as of 3rd May this year so the ground can be upgraded. Whilst a short term inconvinience, the work the council are doing at Roseville will provide a much better ground for the coming years. Since the last announcement, the council have informed us, they will not be putting the posts up at Roseville this season at all. Ther upshot of this means we will NOT be playing any games at Roseville this year. The committee is working with the council to do a review and handover of Killara Park/Bert Oldfield Oval this week. Members will be advised as further details come to hand. Training will continue at Roseville until further notice.
Training for the 2010 season is at full swing. Good numbers have been turning up for the fitness and skills work that our club coach Tom Burns has been running. Given the good showings we’ve made in trials the program Tom has devised is working. As with anything, you get out what you put in, so we would like to see more numbers at training. Tom has asked that I convey the message for all players to make the effort to get to training so that each team can train as a squad to gain maximum benefit from the time that we have together. Tom has also asked me to remind players that training starts at 7PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the sooner we start, the sooner we can finsh. At the moment players aren’t turning up till well after 7. If they’re hoping that fitness will be over by then so they can go straight into skills, they’re sadly mistaken, Tom just waits until everyone is there beforehe starts. Instead oif avoiding training, come along, help with the numbers, and as a bonus, get yourself fit and reduce the chance of an early season injury.
Player Registration
NSW Suburban Rugby has changed the way they are enforcing the rules around player registration this year. All players must now be registered before they play. A carbon copy of each team sheet has to be given to the opposition at the conclusion of each game, and they have the right to check online to see if the players on the sheet are registered. The potential penalty for not having players registered is lost competition point. The upshot of this is that we all need to ensure we are registered befopre we play. Moose and Panda are currently coordinating this, so get yourself along to training, and either see them, or expect to be pounced upon to fill out a registration form.
Season Start
The season proper starts on April 10 this with another bus trip out to UWS at Richmond. For those of you that have participated in the last two ‘World Famous’ bus trips, you know that this one is not to be missed. As an aside, we’ll also be playing four games of Rugby out there starting at 12 midday. Lets get a start the season the way we intend to, playing some good hard Rugby, followed by a bus trip to remember! (and if you can’t remember, incriminating photo’s always seem to appear on Facebook as a reminder).
Just a friendly reminder that we need subs. As much as we’d like to hope, the club doesn’t run on love alone. In the coming weeks we need to pay for training and playing kit as well as player insurance etc. Subs are $175 for students, and $225 for anyone else. That fee gets you all you playing kit, plus a Rebel Sports MVP card which entitles you to a 5% discount on all your purchases at Rebel Sport. Details for payment can be found HERE.
Bro News – It’s Your News
Brothers Rugby would like to congratulate Matt Gibbs and Suzanne Wilson on their recent nuptials. It was a wonderful day and we all had a lovely time. The Bride was beautiful and the Groom couldn’t take his eyes of her. Not even to look at the best man as he made his funny, touching and clean speech!
If you have any news of hatches, matches or dispatches and would like to share them with the club please email
Wednesday 24th of March is the day some 40 years ago that our president first graced this world. Happy 40th Mr President…
Social News
World Famous Bus Trip – 10th April – First game of the Season!
World Famous Bus Trip
The World Famous Bus Trip is well……. World Famous! Every year against UWSH away is a BUS TRIP. However, this bus trip is with a difference. So, we dress with a difference and as long as it’s World Famous then you can wear it………just make sure you wear something.
Social Olympics
Just a little note at the end of the Bros News, warning you that the Social Olympics will be taking place after the second Home game on the 1st May. Dare you compete in a game where winning is everything and failing will be painful and embarrassing? I dare you.
Forget Faster, Higher, Stronger. At Brothers it’s Funnier, Braver, Messier.