Match Reports
July 26, 2010Bro News
July 27, 2010Welcome to another Feisty 4ths Match Report.
Sad to say that the good guys went down 10 – 7 to Hills on the weekend.
Thanks to Matty Mac, Mick, Tommy B, Scotty, Dave, Slutty, Hans, Iain ‘Tuipupu’ Davison, Johnno, Big Andy, Gibbsy and Ady for making the trek.
Truth be told, it wasn’t much of a game … apologies to those who showed up for a look.
Sure, Hills may be our ‘bogie’ team…. maybe it was ‘the loss we needed to have’…. but the fact is that we gave away a hell of a lot of penalties and rushed the game to our own detriment.
Rule Numero Uno: We should never rush anything… it’s not the Feisty Way!
Anyway, we’re still clinging to #1 on the ladder, so onwards and upwards.
News From The Geriatric Wing
Nurse Anderson’s done her rounds and we’re pleased to report the following:
Greg K had a successful operation on his jaw last week. Eminent surgeon Dr O.O.O.O’Brien expects he’ll make a full recovery. Heal well Greg!
Kieren Shmieren ‘…orightyafokkor…oim in’ O’Hegarty is well on the mend and should be back in heels within the fortnight.
Enda’s limp wrist is getting more rigid by the day.
Gav’s left nipple is days away from regaining full-tweaking-function. A relief for all concerned.
Riddler’s back from the dead after having a small leak fixed.
And please remember that Field Marshall Smith’s left foreman injury is classified.
We can neither confirm nor deny whether he’s desperate to have the ‘effin-plaster’ cut off by the semis.
OK, so we’re all clear…
Training. Is. On. This. Week.
It’s not like you weren’t warned.
Jaquesy’s running the session. Be there. No excuses. You’re part of a team.
If it gets called off for weather reasons we’ll let you know.
See you up at Koola Oval, Thursday, 7pm.
Wrap Up
This week’s Merrylands at Merrylands (aahhh…so me many happy memories…)
Please make an effort to be there. It’s our last away game for the year and we need the win to stay on top.
Last week we were struggling to field a side, so once again, please make the effort.
And if you’re looking for a game please get in touch.
Lots of love,
Roy, David and David