Club Update
May 9, 2020
Round 1 Roundup
July 20, 2020It won’t be a season like any other. The COVID pandemic has cut the season down to 7 rounds followed by 2 weeks of finals. A lot of clubs, like ourselves, have found it hard to get the player numbers expected and, along with other Div 4 teams, we’ve been relegated to the Meldrum Cup as we weren’t able to commit to putting two teams on the field in time for the divisions to be set. Despite this, we expect to book a few Halligans games as our numbers are continuing to grow every week.
The good news is we’ve got a really committed group of players and our Head Coach, Lenny Rawara, is doing a great job of getting them ready for the season despite the exceptionally short preparation time. We’ve amped up the training to two nights, Tuesday and Thursday, and the attendance has been exceptional. No one wants to miss out on the lessons Lenny has to teach. We’re very lucky to have someone of Lenny’s caliber as our coach. Not only is Lenny a Brother’s Old Boy, up until recently he was coaching Gordon’s Second grade and is currently 7s coach for Western Two Blues.
The Willoughby Hotel
For social functions, it’s still a case of watch and wait to see what’s allowed. One thing is for sure, as soon as The Willoughby Hotel is open for functions we’ll be the first ones there. Despite all the hardship they’ve endured they have renewed their sponsorship with us on the same basis as last year. To say we are appreciative is an understatement. We’re gobsmacked!!
If you’re thinking of going out for dinner be sure to go to The Willoughby Hotel, let them know you’re from Brothers Rugby, and be sure to thank them for their support.
A LENGEN-wait for it-DARY effort
What do you do during a COVID lockdown for a couple of months waiting for the rugby season to start? You overhaul the Legends page on the website.
What started off as a conversation between myself and our Patron, John Waugh, about updating our Past Presidents page with photos, like our Life Members page, turned into something that became a labour of love and had us trawling through club records and photos, as well and stalking social media pages, to get photos and recognise our players game milestones in the same way.
It started with “okay, let’s do the 400, 350, 300, 250 and 200 games” and once that was done turned into “what do you reckon about the 150 and 100 games?” 3 months, and at least a100 emails later, the Games Milestones page is looking pretty good, even if we do say so ourselves.
It’s been a LEGENDARY effort by John and his relationship has only just survived the hours of work he’s put into it. He can now rest up as he recovers from knee replacement surgery. Be sure to get onto his Facebook page the thanks him and wish him a speedy recovery.
We’re still missing a few photos and some game milestone details, if you can help fill the gaps we’d really appreciate it. And, if you’ve got a better photo of yourself, especially from your playing days, we’ll take that too.
The 2020 Season
The season will be really interesting as we manage COVID to keep everyone safe whilst at the same time participating in the least socially distanced sport on the planet. Whether a spectator or a player, be sure to comply with the directions at ground regarding social distancing and hygiene.
Want to watch some rugby? Of course you do.
We have a trial game this Saturday from 12:30 at Roseville Chase Oval and our First home game is the following week on the 18th July. The rest of the draw is still being finalised and we’ll update you as soon as we know. With the away games being relatively close we expect to see our supporters rolling up to away games as well.
The postponement of the season will understandably impact us financially and, if you’re able to, we encourage you to get your Blue & Gold Membership, or make a donation, and plan on getting to the games and the functions to support the club financially once the season gets underway.
We look forward to seeing you at the games.
In the meantime, stay safe, stay well, and remember to look after each other.
Karl Houghton
Brothers Rugby Club Sydney
Zumba Zumba Zey!