Play Rugby at Brothers in 2023
December 13, 2022HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
January 3, 2023MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Get the belts loosened and the fridges stocked Christmas is upon us! Best wishes from the committee to our fellow Brothers, their families, and our sponsors. Thank you for all your support throughout the year.
We are looking for a bumper Season 2023 and as part of that, we want to attract as many people to, and back to the club next year. To do that we have a number of initiatives that we’ll outline early in the new year.
We are not only looking to increase our numbers in the seniors, but we are looking to attract more U/21 men to join the Colts team that we re-started this year. And we are aiming to recruit our first Women’s Sevens team in the club’s history.
How you can help
And while the committee is working hard to make this happen, we need support from everyone associated with the club to make it a reality. In the lead-up to Christmas and the holiday season, there are three ways in particular that you can help:
First, everyone is a recruiter. Regardless of all the advances in technology, word of mouth has always been the best method of recruiting and it remains so today. We are looking for men (both U/21 as at 1 January 2023 for Colts, or over for seniors) and women (17 or over) to play – all skill levels are welcome and no experience is necessary. So get the word out to your family, friends, work colleagues, or anyone you meet over the holidays about the opportunities Brothers Rugby offers. Any playing queries can be directed to our Development Officer Rodger Shanahan at or on 0447440366.
Second, we need funds to do all of this. Many of you have been very generous over the years, however, the last few COVID years haven’t been kind in terms of generating funds from home games and we still have the normal annual outlay. On top of that, we have established a number of competitive educational scholarships open to men and women who are U/21 as at 1 January 2023. The most effective way of financially supporting the club is through the Foundation ( where donations are tax-deductible and one can see that donations to the scholarships program have already been made.
Third, Volunteer. To make sure our plans become a reality we need people to help out with various roles. We need qualified Assistant Referees, Managers, Rugby Coordinator and Game Day manager. Get involved and help make your club a success.
Early in the new year we’ll give people more information about the new initiatives we have in place for Season 2023. Once we have been advised of the draw we’ll get information out about the season’s social program so that everyone can plan their social program around getting out to support Brothers Rugby.
Pre Season
Yep – it’ll be here before we know it. we’ll be kicking off early Feb so don’t get too relaxed. But to make sure it’s fun we’re going to start things off with a barefoot bowls day and look like heading to Clovelly Bowls Club for something a bit different and a great outlook over the ocean.
And, following on from the success of last year, we’re also starting plans for our Brothers In The Country trip in March
Have a great break from the stresses of work/study/life and enjoy the feast that always accompanies Christmas, (I’m sure a beverage or two will be enjoyed also), However, remember, those extra couple of Kg’s gained will make the first couple of trainings and games just that little bit harder so be sure to get out the backyard or get to the beach and run around with some touch footy or cricket, your body will be thanking you for it.
Have a great Christmas and we’ll see you in the New Year.